Auction Details :

Auction Start Date - 07th-May-2021, 03:06PM
Auction End Date - 12th-May-2021, 01:00PM
Auction Base Price - 15.00
Current Bid - 275.00
Winner/Bid - *******E******* $ 275.00
Your Highest Bid - 0.00
ALL Bids :

Bidder Name Bidding Amount Date & Time
*******U******* 90.0 2021-05-12 19:16:25.950018
*******Q******* 80.0 2021-05-11 22:49:29.330524
*******a******* 70.0 2021-05-09 03:40:55.505049
*******l******* 60.0 2021-05-08 14:09:59.295702
********u******** 50.0 2021-05-07 23:50:48.823764
Product Information :

Just Dip It Eid Box
This box of delicious treats is perfect for Eid. Comes with 3 cakesicl..
     Highest Bid: 275.00