Auction Details :

Auction Start Date - 29th-Apr-2021, 09:24PM
Auction End Date - 12th-May-2021, 01:00PM
Auction Base Price - 190.00
Current Bid - 425.00
Winner/Bid - *******C******* $ 425.00
Your Highest Bid - 0.00
ALL Bids :

Bidder Name Bidding Amount Date & Time
****** ****** 250.0 2021-05-06 15:47:08.366261
********u******** 240.0 2021-05-06 13:17:20.282696
****** ****** 220.0 2021-05-04 21:52:11.820450
********u******** 210.0 2021-05-04 19:36:27.911363
********u******** 200.0 2021-05-04 19:36:15.654144
Product Information :

His & Hers Ray-Ban Sunglasses
Protect your eyes from harmful sun rays with this set of 2 Ray-Ban sun..
     Highest Bid: 425.00